33% of online dating subscribers NEVER LEAVE THE HOUSE.
OK, I don't mean they're phobic, I mean they troll the dating sites as full members, entertain their online prospects with notions of actually setting a date to meet and then...*POOF*, disappear and move on.
According to a survey conducted by the Pew Research center in 2016, a full third of online dating site people never go out on a first date, much less a second.
What's the point?
Well, in my opinion I think many are most likely married and are cyber-cheating. Others get cold feet and can't get past the reality that they are essentially going on a BLIND date. But that is a BIG chunk of members! So how can you spot 'em and avoid wasting time with these trolls?
Over 49,000,000 Americans have tried online dating. Match.com still has the biggest membership, over 24,000,000. It's hard to believe that 7.5 million are just playing around and wasting the time of serious searchers like myself. (We have a category just for POOFERS. Please feel free to post your experiences there or your whole story here.
Here's the 5 Signs of a Dating Site Dud:
1. Replies or overtures that don't disclose any personal information or any information at all.
2. Photos appear to be old and/or age doesn't match photos.
3. Doesn't want to move to private email after a healthy 4-5 email exchange on the site.
4. Hesitates or doesn't want to talk on the phone.
Sometimes disappears for a 2-3 days without responding.
What do you think? Sound off!